Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Durian Crepe - sedap sangat

Meh layan Durian Crepe yang tengah hott sekarang nie.....
sangat sedappp...rasanya seakan2 makan aiskrim ngan durian....memang best..

Durian Pancake @ Bantal Durian
Resipi Asal: Camelia

Bahan² untuk Kulit Penkek :
250 gm tepung gandum
3 biji telur - Grade A
500 ml santan 
1/2 sudu teh garam
Pewarna Hijau secukupnya

Bahan Inti :
Whipping Cream + Gula - manis ikut citarasa
Isi durian secukupnya - lumat kasar

Cara² untuk Kulit Penkek:
Blend kesemua bahan dan dadar nipis² dalam non stick pan

Cara² untuk Inti Durian :
Pukul whipping cream dan gula sampai kental ketepikan.
Ambil sehelai kulit pancake, letakkan whipping cream dan letak isi durian diatasnya dan lipat.
Simpan dalam peti ais 1 - 2 jam sebelum dihidang.

Untuk Order, Mas menggunakan resepi yang berbeza, crepenya dibuat dari 5 jenis tepung dan filling cream kastardnya memang sangat best dan digabungkan dengan isi durian D24 yang segar.....memang terbaik...
Order dibuka untuk yg berminat, boleh email  atau boleh tel @ mesej Mas 013 4242505, juga boleh pm mas difb.  

update :

Ramai yg bertanya saiz Durian Crepe Mas.....
lihattttttt...besarnya lebih kurang saiz tapak tangan...
memang puas makan...
order la yerk   ^_^

Serimuka Labu Pulut Hitam (Steamed Black Glutinous with Pumpkin Topping)

 Beautiful looking kuih with all natural colors..... The topping taste just nice by its own but not sweet enough when matched with the plain glutinous rice layer, hence I have slightly increased the sugar measurement below. My bottom layer is slightly softer than what I wanted but this can easily be fixed next time. Overall, I think this is an average taste.....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Size: 8" round
1 cup Black Glutinous Rice - wash & soak 10 min 
1/2 cup White Glutinous Rice - wash & soak 30 min / more 
1/2 cup Coconut Milk + 1/4 tsp Salt

1 cup Pumpkin Puree (mash steamed pumpkin & measure) 
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Plain Flour
1 tbsp Hoen Kwee Flour
2 tbsp Rice Flour
1 cup Coconut Milk
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Salt

1. Boil black glutinous rice until cooked (tips: water level fully cover the rice).

2. Steam white glutinous rice for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle with coconut milk and add in the cooked black glutinous rice.
Mix well and steam for 15 minutes until rice is done.

3. Blend all the bottom layer ingredients until smooth.
Heat up for a while & pour onto the rice layer.
Press down the rice layer to firm it before pouring the top batter.
Steam 30 minutes or until cooked with low fire.

4. Cool the kuih completely at room temperature before slicing. 

Kuih yg nampak cantik menarik tapi Along rasa ia nya agak sederhana. Terpulang pada citarasa masing2, mungkin bagi peminat kuih talam ia nya menarik. Lapisan atas tu Along buat sederhana manis dan bila di gandingkan dgn lapisan pulut yg agak tawar perlukan lebih manis lagi, jadi Along dah tambahkan sedikit lagi gula dalam resepi di bawah di bandingkan dgn sukatan yg Along buat pada mula nya.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Saiz: 8" bulat
1 cwn Pulut Hitam - basuh & rendam 10 min 
1/2 cwn Pulut - basuh & rendam 30 min / lebih 
1/2 cwn Santan + 1/4 st Garam

1 cwn Labu Lecek (kukus labu, lecek & sukat) 
3/4 cwn Gula
1/2 cwn Tepung Gandum
1 sb Tepung Hoen Kwee
2 sb Tepung Beras
1 cwn Santan
1 bj Telur
1/2 st Garam

1. Rebus pulut hitam, dgn air yg cukup utk tenggelamkan beras pulut, sehingga masak.

2. Kukus pulut putih selama 10 minit.
Percikkan santan ke atas pulut & gaulkan pulut hitam tadi sehingga rata.
Kukus selama 15 minit sehingga pulut sebati & lembut.

3. Blend kesemua bahan2 lapisan atas sehingga sebati.
Panaskan sebentar & tuangkan ke atas lapisan pulut tadi.
Mampatkan lapisan pulut dgn penekan sebelum menuang lapisan atas.
Kukus selama 30 minit dgn api sederhana kecil sehingga masak.

4. Biarkan kuih betul2 sejuk sebelum di potong.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ayam Kriuk-Kriuk (Crispy Fried Chicken)

 Tasty chicken coated with crispy crumbs..... This fried chicken is actually served as "Ayam Penyek" menu but I was short of all other ingredients namely "Tempe", bean curd and assorted vegetables that supposedly the standard set; therefore I served it simply along white rice, Sambal and vegetable dish.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serve: 4-5 persons
4-5 big Chicken pieces
7 Kaffir Lime Leaves
3 tbsp KFC Flour
3 tbsp Rice Flour
2 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1" Ginger*
1 Lemongrass*
1 tbsp Black Pepper Corns* (* blend) 
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder

1. Boil chicken with enough water, lime leaves & salt until cooked.
Drain the chicken pieces.
2. Mix the remaining ingredients and add enough water to form dipping batter.
3. Roll chicken pieces in rice flour & dip in the batter.
Deep fry until crispy and nice golden colour.
Dish out into a serving plate.
4. Fry the remaining batter and sprinkle onto the chicken.
5. Serve with rice and other side dishes.

Ayam Kriuk-Kriuk..... kruuuup, kraaaaap, kriuuuuuk, kriuuuuuuk.... hahaha... memang ketawa lah Along sebab nak cuba bayangkan kepada anda betapa rangup nya ayam ni sampai berkriuk2 ni. Lebih sedap lagi kalau hidangkan ayam goreng ni sebagai menu Ayam Penyek, tapi Along hidangkan ringkas jer dgn Sambal dan kangkung goreng belachan. Biasalah... setiap malam darurat..... masak nak cepat siap jer, lagi pun bahan2 yg lain2 tu (tempe, tahu, ulam) utk Nasi Penyek memang takda pun sbb tak buat perancangan awal. Bagaimana pun tetap sedap di hidangkan ringkas.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hidangan: 4-5 orang
4-5 ketulan besar Ayam
7 helai Daun Limau Purut
3 sb Tepung KFC
3 sb Tepung Beras
2 ulas Bwg Merah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
1" Halia*
1 btg Serai*
1 sb Biji Lada Hitam* (* blend) 
1/2 st Serbuk Kunyit

1. Rebus ayam dgn air secukupnya dan daun limau purut, garam sehingga ayam empuk.
Tapis ayam.
2. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 yg lain dgn air secukup nya menjadi bancuhan tepung goreng.
3. Golekkan ayam ke dlm tepung beras & kemudian celup ke dlm tepung goreng.
Goreng ayam dalam minyak yg banyak sehingga rangup & keperangan.
Angkat & letak di dalam pinggan.
4. Goreng lebihan tepung & tabur ke atas ayam goreng tadi.
5. Hidangkan sebagai Ayam Penyek bersama sayuran goreng, ulaman dan sambal belacan atau pun di hidangkan sebagai lauk sampingan lain. 

 Yg ini pula, Cik Kantan kat laman rumah Along.... takda kena mengena dgn resepi di atas tapi suka2 nak interprem kat sini. Cantik mekar.... alhamdulillah, banyak rezki keliling rumah ni dgn herba dan buah2an.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cat Eye Jelly (Agar-Agar Mata Kuching)

 I love creating jelly especially when am desperate to clear things from my pantry..... I bought few cans of Longan and it lasted almost two years (luckily not yet expired) because nobody in the house wanted to drink it unless I make something out of it. I knew I wanted to make jelly out of it for the recent Idh Adha but still had no idea initially. I came home quite late in the evening so at late night preparation, the idea just suddenly springed out when I got ingredients in hands.

This is a very nice jelly, tastes like "Cat Eye Juice" (literal translation of "Air Mata Kuching")....
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Size: 8" square or heart shape
13g Jelly / Agar-Agar Powder
700 liter Water
150g Palm Sugar
70g Sugar
1 can Longan
200ml Evaporated Milk

1. Boil jelly powder and water until dissolved.
Add in both types of sugar & stir until dissolved.
Add in juice from canned Longan (measuring about 300ml).
2. Divide the jelly mixture into two equal parts.
Add milk to one part & pour into mould.
Add 200ml water to the other portion.
3. Once the bottom part has slightly set, arrange Longan fruit on top.
Pour the clear portion slowly and let it set at room temperature.
4. Chill before serve.

 Satu lagi menu Hari Raya Haji baru2 ni..... Kepada yg tertunggu-tunggu resepi Agar-Agar Mata Kuching, boleh lah mencuba nya segera. Ini adalah satu lagi rekaan agar-agar dari Along. Nak habiskan stok buah longan yg dah lama terperap dalam stor makanan sebelum expired. Ilham nak buat ni tak sempat nak pikir2 & rancang2 pun sebab sibuk sangat tugasan kat pejabat & di rumah sehingga malam raya tetiba jer terus buat apabila terjumpa itu dan ini dalam gobok simpanan.

Rasa nya sama macam minuman Air Mata Kuching, jadi Along pun namakan nya sedemikian.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Size: 8" persegi atau tin bentuk hati
13g Serbuk Agar-Agar
700 liter Air
150g Gula Kabung Serbuk
70g Gula Putih
1 tin Longan
200ml Susu Cair Ideal

1. Masak serbuk agar2 dgn air sehingga larut.
Masukkan kedua2 jenis gula & masak sehingga larut.
Masukkan jus Longan (~300ml).
2. Bahagikan adunan kepada dua bahagian.
Masukkan susu ke dalam satu bahagian & tuang ke dlm acuan.
Masukkan 200ml air ke dalam adunan yg satu lagi.
3. Susun buah Longan apabila lapisan susu sudah mengeras sedikit.
Tuangkan bahagian tanpa susu perlahan2 ke ats susunan buah longan.
4. Sejukkan dalam petisejuk sebelum di hidangkan.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fried Pandan Chicken (Again)

Still on the recent Idh Adha menu.... For recipe, refer here.

Lagi tayangan menu Hari Raya Haji baru2 ni. Ayam ni buat anak-anak ratah-ratah di samping menu lain. Resepi dah ada kat sini dalam BI. Along terjemahkan ke BM di sini ya. Cubalah resepi rekaan Along sendiri ni.... tersangat sedap tau!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
6 ketul Ayam

2" Halia*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*

1 st Serbuk Lada Hitam
2 sb Tepung Beras
2 sb Tepung KFC
4 sb Tepung KFC
- utk golekkan Ayam

Daun Pandan
Pencungkil Gigi

1. Gaul ayam dgn garam & bahan2 blend.
Balut dgn daun pandan & semat dgn pencungkil gigi.
Perap sejam/semalaman.

2. Bancuh tepung beras, tepung KFC, garam & air secukup nya.
Celup ayam dalam tepung bancuhan & golekkan ke atas tepung KFC.
Goreng sehingga ayam masak & tepung nya rangup.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Snow Cheesecake (Kek Cheese Bersalji)

 Light and soft cake coated with very creamy cream cheese and sprinkled with grated cheddar cheese.... The cake is not very sweet and just nicely matched with sweetened cream cheese and cheddar cheese added extra creamy and salty taste to it. Suitable for those who like cheesy taste!

This was served during Idh Adha yesterday and only small portion of leftover at end of the day.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Mamafami <-- MakLang <-- KakZai <-- MR-SherryMZ
Size: 8.5" square
100g Flour
60g Cornflour
1 tsp Baking Powder
100g Castor Sugar
6 Eggs
2 tbsp Ovalette
50g Iced water
75g Melted Butter
250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese

½ can Condensed Milk
- Mix both ingredients and beat with electric beater till smooth and light. Ready to use.
125g Cheddar Cheese

1. Place all the ingredients, except butter, into the mixer bowl.
Beat the ingredients on high speed using K beater untill white and fluffy.
2. Reduce the speed and add in melted butter.
Beat for a few minutes then cut and fold the batter using a spatula.
3. Pour into greased/lined baking pan.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes or till a skewer inserted in center of the cake comes out clean.
5. Remove from oven and after 5 minutes, remove the cake from the baking pan, onto the cooling rack.
6. When the cake is cool enough, cut the cake into 2 layers.

Pour some filling on top of one slice and sandwich with the other layer.
7. Cover the cake with the balance topping.

Sprinkle with the grated Cheddar cheese.
8. Chill for two hours before serving.


Ini kek yg Along buat utk hidangan Hari Raya Haji kelmarin untuk hidangan sekeluarga. Teringin nak makan selepas tengok ramai yg sudah mencuba. Kek ni amat ringan & lembut - rasanya kurang manis dan amat sesuai di gandingkan dengan topping cream cheese yg lemak manis di tambah pula parutan keju cheddar yg lemak masin. Terima-kasih buat Mamafami yg promote kek ni baru2 ni dan juga MakLang, KakZai dan tuan empunya SherryMZ.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation

Soure: Mamafami <-- MakLang <-- KakZai <-- MR-SherryMZ
Saiz: 8.5" square
6 biji Telur Ayam (buang 2 putihnya) - Along tak buang ikut MakLang 
100g Gula Halus
100g Tepung HongKong
- Along guna tepung gandum ikut MakLang 
60g Tepung Jagung
50g Air Ais
1 st Baking Powder
2 sb Ovelet
75g Mentega
250g Cream Cheese
½ tin Susu Pekat Manis
- Satukan kedua2 bahan & putar sehingga licin. 
125g Cheddar Cheese
- parut 

1. Masukkan kesemua bahan, kecuali mentega cair, dan putar sehingga pekat dan putih gebu dgn K beater.
Pelahankan putaran dan masukkan mentega cair.

Kaup balik dengan spatula sehingga mentega cair sebati dengan adunan.

2. Tuang ke dalam acuan yang telah digris/alas dan bakar 180C selama 30 minit.
Sejukkan kek di atas redai.

3. Potong kek menjadi dua lapisan dan lekatkan dgn krim cheese ditengah2.
Sapukan krim selebihnya sekeliling kek dan tabur parutan cheddar cheese.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Menu Hari Raya Idh Adha 2012 (Idh Menu)

 Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat semua saudara-mara, sahabat-handai dan para pembaca sekalian. Seperti biasa, menu Hari Raya Haji hanya untuk makan sekeluarga anak-beranak dan seorang dua jemputan sahaja. Along masak semua nya sorang2 takda pembantu jadi tak dapat nak jemput ramai2.... tapi Along hidangkan di sini buat hidangan kepada semua sahabat2 cyber, silalah menjamu mata ya.... hehe.

Menu tahun ni:
1. Laksa Sarawak (permintaan UsuRaz & AngahRuz - laku licin, kekawan mereka cakap sedap sangat...LOL)
2. Nasi Himpit & Kuah Kacang (Menu wajib sebab kesukaan hubby)
3. Ketupat Daun Kelapa & Rendang Hitam Emak (Raya Haji mmg wajib buat ketupat, tak tau kenapa...)
4. Ayam Goreng Pandan (fevret anak2 juga ni)
5. Kek Keju (semua boleh agak kek keju apa ni kan... cer teka....)
6. Jelly Mata Kucing (satu lagi rekaan jelly dari Along.... )

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rendang Merah (Red Rendang)

 Red of course means spicy hot...! Actually I've removed seeds from the chilies so it is quite moderate. Furthermore my children don't normally able to tolerate something too hot. I made this last week in quite a big batch in order to freeze before I travel so that the family had something for dinner when I was not around, all they need to do just cook rice (which they do daily as part of the distributed duties).
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Recipe reduced to smaller batch for your ease of reference
1/2 Chicken - cut 
10 Dried Chilies* - deseeded if you prefer less hot 
10 Shallots*
2 clove Garlic*
2" Ginger*
1 tsp Coriander Seeds*
1/2 tsp Fennel Seeds*
1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds* (* blend) 
1 Lemongrass - bruised 
8 Kafir Lime Leaves - sliced finely 
1/2 tbsp Palm Sugar
1 cup Thick Coconut Milk
2-3 tbsp Roasted Coconut Paste / Kerisik

1. Heat up 1 big scoop of oil & stir-fry blended ingredients and lemongrass until fragrant.
Add in chicken, kafir lime leaves, palm sugar, salt & stir until chicken is half cooked.
Add in coconut milk and stir frequently until thicken.
Add in kerisik & cook until gravy is thicken and oil surfaced.

2. Serve with rice, glutinous rice or roti.

Rupa rendang ni memang merah menyala.... pedas dan harum! Memang best makan dgn nasi/pulut/roti. Along buat banyak untuk di bekukan untuk hubby & anak2 sebelum Along travel minggu lepas. Kesian lak nak tinggalkan dia orang hampir seminggu, ada lauk ni senang lah sikit, masak nasi je - AngahRuz & UsuRaz pun pandai masak nasi.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Along dah kecilkan saiz resepi di bawah ni utk memudahkan anda
1/2 ekor ayam - potong2
10 btg Cili Kering* - buang biji nya jika mahu kurangkan pedas
10 ulas Bwg Mmerah*
2 ulas Bwg Putih*
2" Halia*
1 st Biji Ketumbar*
1/2 st Jintan Manis*
1/2 st Jintan Putih* (* blend) 
1 btg Serai - ketuk
8 helai Daun Limau Purut - hiris nipis
1/2 sb Gula Kabung
1 cwn Santan Pekat
2-3 sb Kerisik

1. Panasakan sesenduk minyak & tumis bahan blend* & serai sehingga wangi.
Masukkan ayam, daun limau, gula, garam & kacau sehingga ayam separuh masak.
Masukkan santan & kacau sehingga kua pekat.
Masukkan kerisik & masak sehingga pekat & keluar minyak.

2. Hidangkan dgn nasi, pulut atau roti.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Happy Chocolate Bread

 This bread is certainly made me very happy for its look and most of all the eating sensation that it offers -  light, soft and so chocolatey! The extra credits because it is home-made - something that the bakery cannot offer you is the fragrant that fills your home and chomping into it the moment it came out from the oven - fresh & hot! I love every bite of it!

This is a late entry - made it last week but unable to post it due to traveling.
The original recipe is a plain bread and looks much more beautiful than mine. Knowing my children, I've got to stuff the plain bread with something otherwise hard to sell.... of course chocolate filling is a sure win choice!

Thank-you my Facebook friend who recommended the recipe and the link - such a wonderful taste and experience.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: link (recommended by: Senyum Sokmo, tq so much!)
I simplified the method, added chocolate filling and retyped the whole recipe
2tsp Instant Yeast
1 tbsp Sugar or Honey
250ml Warm Milk
500g All-purpose Flour
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs - lightly beaten 
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 tsp Vinegar
100g Butter - melted and cooled 
Chocolate Filling 

1. Place all ingredients, except butter, in a bread maker & let it process until dough is ready.
If using food processor, after well mixed let it rest for 1 hour until double in volume and then punch and knead.

2. Divide dough into 8 equal parts.
Flatten a piece of dough and fill in with chocolate filling. Repeat for 8 pieces.
Roll into a roughly rectangular shape.
Brush melted butter over one piece and top it with another piece and brush butter on the top piece - refer pix I below.
Roll into a cylinder - pix II.
Repeat for the remaining, producing 4 cylinder rolls altogether.

3. Cut ends of the rolls about 1.5 inch long each, producing 8 pieces.
Then cut the middle part of the roll into 4 triangles.
See pix III.

4. Pix IV: Arrange the cut ends of the rolls around each other to form a circle, placing the cut sides down.
Arrange the cut triangles to completely surround the middle circle.
Cover with towel and leave the dough to rise in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.

5. Brush top with beaten egg (optional - I skipped).
Bake at 180C for 30minutes + 160C for 10 minutes.
Brush with melted butter as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Roti amat ringan dan gebu dan di tambah dgn inti coklat, memang lazat sekali! Kalau rajin, silalah mencuba ya.  Nida@Senyum Sokmo, kawan FB yg rekmen Along mencuba. Memang berbaloi. TQ ya Nida!

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: link (recommended by: Senyum Sokmo, tq so much!)
Along dah ringkaskan cara2 nya dan tambah inti coklat.
Alih-bahasa oleh HomeKreation
2st Yis Segera
1 sb Gula atau Madu
250ml Susu Suam
500g Tepung Gandum
1 st Garam
2 bj Telur - dipukul sedikit 
2 sb Olive Oil
1/2 st Cuka
100g Butter - cairkan & sejukkan 
Inti Coklat

1. Letakkan kesemua bahan, kecuali butter, kedalam bread maker & tunggu sehingga doh siap.
Jika menggunakan mesin pengadun, perap selama 1 jam sehingga naik 2x ganda.
Tumbuk doh & uli sebentar.

2. Bahagi doh kpd 8 bahagian.
Isikan setiap ketul dgn inti coklat.
Leperkan seketul, sapu butter dan tidihkan dgn sekeping lagu & sapu butter - pix I.
Gulung memanjang membentuk silinder - pix II.
Ulang proses menghasilkan 4 ketul silinder.

3. Potong hujung setiap silider sepanjang 1.5 inci.
Potong bahagian tengah kpd 4 ketul berbentuk  segitiga - pix III.

4. Pix IV: Aturkan ketulan hujung ditengah2 tin pembakar.
Susun ketulan segitiga mengelilingi bahagian tengah tadi.
Biarkan mengembang selama 30-40 minit.

5. Sapu bahagian atas roti dgn telur - Along tak letak pun ini.
Bakar 180C selama 30 minit + 160C selama 10 minit.
Sapukan dgn butter sebaik di keluarkan dari oven.

I. Place two pieces together
II. Roll into a cylinder
III. Cut the cylinder
IV. Arrange in pan

Monday, October 22, 2012

Kerabu Mangga & Bunga Kunyit (Mango & Turmeric Flower Salad)

 This is really an 'appetite opener'....! The young mango and turmeric flowers were plucked from my garden and hence very fresh and crispy!
By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 Young Mango - grate 
1 Turmeric Flower - finely sliced 
1-2 Red Chili*
Chili Padi*
2 Shallots*
1 tbsp Dried Shrimps* (* pounded) 
1-2 tbsp Kerisik (Roasted Coconut paste) 
Lime juice
Salt & Sugar

Mix all ingredients & serve with rice along main dishes.

Kerabu mangga & bunga kunyit - gandingan yg sungguh meyelerakan. Dapat idea sebab mangga & pokok kunyit yg di petik dari belakang rumah jer ni, cuba2 campurkan tak sangka pula amat sedap.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1 bj Mangga Muda - sagat
1 kuntum Bunga Kunyit - hiris halus
1-2 bj Cili Merah*
Cili Padi*
2 ulas Bwg Merah*
1 sb Udang Kering* (* tumbuk) 
1-2 sb Kerisik
Jus Limau Nipis - secukup rasa 
Garam, Gula

1. Gaulkan kesemua bahan sehingga rata & secukup rasa.
2. Hidangkan dgn nasi & lauk utama.